

Pure essence caught in little bottles

Pure and natural essential oils certified by Ecocert obtained by the steam distillation of fresh plants and flowers. An effective, natural way to take care of your health and well-being.

Aceite esencila de bergamota
Bergamot essential oil
antidepressant 12 ml
Aceite esencial de mirra
Aceite esencial de mirra
Aceite esencial de manzanilla
Chamomile essential oil
Anti-inflammatory 5 ml
Aceite esencial de canela
Cinnamon essential oil
Stimulating 12 ml
Citronella essential oil
Mosquito repellent 12 ml
Clove essential oil
Sedative 12 ml
Aceite esencial de cipres
Cypress essential oil
Nerve balancing 12 ml

Libro “Guía práctica de aromaterapia”

De Joan Cano

Con 30 años de experiencia trabajando con esencias naturales, Joan Cano, nos introduce de una manera práctica en el uso de la aromaterapia.

Recetas, trucos y consejos para sacarle el máximo partido a los aceites esenciales

Aceite esencial de Eucalipto
Eucalyptus essential oil
Balsamic 12 ml
Aceite esencial de mirra
Frankincense essential oil
Relaxing 12 ml
Aceite esencial de geranio
Geranium essential oil
Soothing tonic 12 ml
Aceite esencial de pomelo
Aceite esencial de Enebro
Aceite esencial de lavanda
Aceite esencial de limón
Aceite esencial de mirra
Lemongrass essential oil
Bug repellent 12 ml
Aceite esencial de mirra
Aceite esencial de naranja
Orange essential oil
Calming 12 ml
Aceite esencial de Palmarosa
Palmarosa essential oil
Regenerating 12 ml
Aceite esencial de pachuli
Aceite esencial de menta
Aceite esencial de mirra
Aceite esencial de romero
Rosemary essential oil
Circulatory 12 ml
Aceite esencial de salvia
Sage essential oil
Anti-inflammatory 12 ml
Aceite esencial de sándalo
Sandalwood essential oil
antidepressant 5 ml
Aceite esencial de mandarina
Tangerine essential oil
Calming 12 ml
Aceite esencial de Árbol del té
Aceite esencial de tomillo
Thyme essential oil
Antibacterial 12 ml
Aceite esencial de mirra
Verbain essential oil
Soothing 12 ml
Aceite esencial de Ylang Ylang
Ylang Ylang essential oil
Balancing 12 ml

Aromatherapy is a technique that makes use of essential oils that are extracted from natural aromatic ingredients. To obtain the benefits of aromatherapy for body and mind, essential oils can be used in two ways:

Each essential oil contains the properties of its natural ingredient of origin. For a general overview we can categorize the following oils:

But the effects go much further. During the mosquito season, use citronella essential oil to keep them away. Camphor has an analgesic effect that can relieve muscle and joint pain. Chamomile and sage act as natural and ecological anti-inflammatories. Thyme has antibacterial properties. Rosemary activates blood circulation.

Some oils have multiple effects. Tea tree essential oil, for example, is antiseptic, antibacterial, healing, anti-inflammatory, and also effective as a natural deodorant or expectorant.

Consult our extensive catalog of pure, essential oils to discover the effects and properties of each one. You will find that many of the oils are Ecocert certified, assuring that while caring for your mind and body you will also care for the environment.


Your natural, everyday hygiene

Natural ingredients

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