

Myrrh has appeared in universal literature since ancient times. Egyptians used to practice the formula of the ancient perfume Kify, valued for everything from perfuming clothing to honoring their gods in the temples. According to the Bible, God ordered Moses take Myrrh with him to create a sacred incense. Perhaps most famously, it was one of the precious gifts that the Wise Men brought to the newborn Jesus Christ. There are also texts from ancient Greece in which state that all soldiers carried a Myrrh pastry in a bag when they went to battle for its antiseptic, regenerating, and anti-inflammatory properties.

The magic ritual of Myrrh anointment was widespread among the royalty of the ancient civilizations. Myrrh has long been valued for it’s ability to cleanse negative energy. Its scent has been distilled since 1500 and has been used to prepare ointments and creams with healing properties to treat various skin conditions.